DriverGuide DriverScan is a program that will check your installed drivers and scan for updates.
Once installed, the program will launch itself, and will begin to scan your whole system searching for installed devices, and its drivers. It then will check against the DriverGuiide´s database for the availability of new drivers. When the scan is finished, the program will show to the user the list of found devices, giving information about the drivers installed, such as version, date, provider, manufacturer and update status. If a driver is not updated, the program will offer the user to download the ultimate driver version from DriverGuide´s servers. You will be able to do so if you have a DriverGuide´s Premium Membership. Otherwise, you will not be able to download anything from their servers.
You will not be able to use the rest of the program tabs if you do not have a Premium Membership. These tabs will give you extra information about your installed drivers, allow you to search for specific drivers or change the filters used when looking for updated drivers.